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Are you ready?


It's time to make a change

We all are responsible for reducing emissions to ensure a greener future for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.
There are many new regulations and laws, both locally and across Europe.

We’ve pulled together some of the most important changes to give you a quick overview of what you can do and how to get started.

EcoMobility Are you ready - forest

What can you do?

There are so many rules and regulations, but let’s start locally and look at what YOU can do in YOUR business.

EcoMobility nature trash

What do we do?

Learn more about our eco-friendly office practices and our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint.

truck exhaust gas

EU Taxonomy

EU taxonomy is a classification system that defines which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. It aims to provide clarity on what can be labeled as “green” or environmentally friendly investments.

truck exhaust gas

EU Green Deal for Transportation

The European Green Deal pushes companies in the transportation sector to prioritize sustainability, reduce emissions, and contribute to a greener future.

EcoMobility construction site

EU Green Deal for Construction

The European Green Deal pushes companies in the building industry to prioritize energy efficiency, renewable energy, circular economy practices, and sustainable building design to create a more eco-friendly built environment.

eu regulations


The CSRD, or Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, is an EU legislation to improve corporate sustainability reporting practices. Large companies with more than 250 employees must disclose information about their environmental and social impacts.

EcoMobility sea, plastic, turtle

Know the terms

The European Green Deal, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, ESG, Fit For 55… There are so many terms and expressions to keep track of and it’s not always easy to tell them apart. We’ve put together an overview.